
newspapers, magazines, books, posters


Illustration for Hazlitt Magazine
→ "Being and Not Being Here and There" by Navneet Alang


Illustration for The Globe and Mail

→ "What I learned visiting my mom at the hospital" by Mary Hunter

"Art matters here in the foyer: It lets us know who is important and to whom we should be thankful. But art also matters on the 14th floor: It starts conversations, creates environments, makes us laugh and cry. Art donated in memory of a loved one should not reflect the grief of the living, but embody the joy, energy and authenticity of the deceased."

Custom lettering created for children's books → See more lettering work

110321 - BU01 moneyville tarot cards-3.jpg

Illustration for The Toronto Star, Business section front page


Cover illustration for film journal cléo

cléo journal, volume 5 issue 2

“If you think of something, do it," says Lydia Davis, noted flash fiction writer. The cover illustration for cléo‘s Shorts issue is a spoof of a character from Robert Crumb’s 1968 one-page comic Keep On Truckin’ in which men confidently stride across vast spaces and cityscapes. Here, the figure takes on a femme film form, strutting confidently in hope and strength and cut-offs.

Illustration for Hazlitt Magazine
→ "Blood and Guts in Charm School" by Lynn Crosbie


Illustration for The Toronto Star op-ed section

→ "For sexual assault survivors, healing begins with talking" by Karyn L. Freedman 

"There is a more important reason to tell your story. Talking about it can help you heal. So when you are ready, when the time is right, when you are able to find a safe space with the proper supports, shore up your strength and tell someone you trust. Tell them precisely what he did to you. Because every time you put that out in the world, you take it off your own shoulders."



Portrait of Dean Hall, creator of zombie apocalypse video game Day Z


Illustration for The Toronto Star op-ed section
→ "Toronto is a divided city. Here's how to repair it" by Richard Florida


Illustration for The Varsity to accompany an article about the evolution of cats


Illustration for Hazlitt Magazine
"Butterflies Are Free to Die" by Lynn Crosbie


Poster commissioned for a screening of the 1984 film Night of the Comet at Toronto's Revue Cinema


Illustration for Hazlitt Magazine
"The Plight of the Shopgirl" by Haley Mlotek

